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ArekiboCare is a dedicated 24/7 service for managing websites and digital platforms. We handle the details, so you can focus on what matters—your business and life.

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Dec 13, 2024

Road Safety Authority - RSA

Ireland's Road Safety Authority (RSA) is the government agency tasked with promoting road safety and reducing fatalities and injuries on Irish roads.

Road Safety Authority
Public Services


The Road Safety Authority's vision is to make Ireland's roads among the safest in the world. Through education, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation, the RSA has contributed to significant declines in road fatalities and injuries.

Our partnership started in 2012, to replace its CMS platforms and completely redesign and develop its website, content and functionality to provide an accessible, engaging, and informative experience to everyone.

Tailored Experience

The RSA website provides resources and services to all road users, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and teachers. The redesign focused on creating a scalable information architecture to deliver a seamless and intuitive experience. The solution was to segment the websites into two distinct areas: Road Safety and Services. 

Road Safety enables the RSA to deliver campaigns, educate, and advise and guide all road users.  Services support all drivers, from learners to professional drivers and operators, to access tailored information and services to meet their needs.

Resourced for Growth

Delivering comprehensive and timely content to all road users requires a dedicated and sustainable content management strategy.

We collaborated with the RSA to develop a digital operational model to define how the website would managed and resourced to influence, educate and support all audiences in making Ireland's roads among the safest in the world. 

Built for Expansion

The website is built on industry leading DXP, Progress Sitefinity. The platform delivers a decentralised content management process aligned to the content operational model. This critical success factor enables their extensive regional teams to manage and harness the website as a key channel in shaping and implementing Ireland's road safety policies.

We delivered a bespoke design system integrated into Sitefinity to provide extensive longterm capabilities to campaign, deliver targeted content and drive engagement. We continue to deliver dedicated managed support across the Sitefinity and Azure platforms, with our help desk supporting the business and communications teams.

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